Hydrant is a tap point that connected to underground pipeline that is used by local occupants or fire fighter to access water to extinguish fire in nearest area. Hydrant has pressure that is usually is 3.5 bar as per PERMEN PU 26-2008. Hydrant is one of protection system from fire that occurs in either indoor or outdoor area. In fire outbreak, hydrant provide fast access to water source for fire fighter to extinguish fire by connecting hose to the tap point of hydrant.
Wet System Hydrant
Used in location where temperature don’t drop below the freezing point of water. Wet system using water as the substance to extinguish fire. In wet system pipeline will always contain water. Wet system using water pump to provide water from the water source to the tap point of hydrant.
Dry Fire Hydrant
Used in location where the temperature drops below the freezing point. In dry system pipeline will stay dry until it needs to be use. In dry system point the pipeline is not connected to the permanent water source. In a dry system, water will only flow into the pipeline if it is needed to extinguish a fire.
There’s two type of hydrant depends on its location.
Outdoor Hydrant
Outdoor Hydrant located in outdoor area that is used to be public area such as office, mall, city park, or other area in any location with high human density and high fire risk. Hydrant in outdoor area is has pillar shaped that is connected to the pipeline underground. There’s also outdoor hydrant box that consist of hose and nozzle to connect with the hydrant.
Outdoor Hydrant Box, source: Google Picture
Indoor Hydrant.
Indoor hydrant is usually inside the Indoor Hydrant Box (IHB) that is divided into a various type depends on the type of connection and the type of features in the box. Below is type of IHB:
Type A1
Type A1 IHB has dimension of 66cm x 52cm x 15 cm with 1 roll of fire hose and 1.5-inch nozzle. This type of is the lowest rate of IHB. Type A IHB didn’t come with any other feature other than the box itself. Thus, type A IHB is less recommended for the best fire protection in building.
Type A2
Similar with the type A1, the type A2 only come with the box itself. The difference between the IHB A1 with IHB A2 is in the dimension of the box. Type A2 has bigger dimension that is 100cm x 80cm x 18 cm with 1 roll of fire hose and 1.5-inch nozzle.
Indoor Hydrant Box Type A, source: Google Picture
Type B
Type B indoor hydrant box has dimension of 125cm x 75cm x 15 cm with 1 roll of fire hose and 1.5-inch nozzle. Type B come with a few feature such as alarm fire set, the light indicator, the alarm bell.
Indoor Hydrant Box Type B, source; Google Picture
For Indoor Hydrant there are three type of hydrant based on the classification of the tap point size and it’s purpose. Here are the classification of indoor hydrant:
Class 1
Class 1 indoor hydrant consist of 1 ½ - inch tap point. This hydrant used for the occupant of the building in case of fire and fire brigade is has not reach the area.
Class 2
Class 2 indoor hydrant is consist of 2 ½ - inch tap point. This tap point is used for the fire fighter only and due to the high pressure of the water it is forbidden for occupant to use this hydrant.
Class 3
Class 3 indoor hydrant is consist of 1 ½ inch and 2 ½ inch tap point. This hydrant is able to use by both occupants and fire fighter. The best recommendation for public building is to use this class 3 hydrant as it can provide tap point available for both occupants and fire fighter.
Writer: Aulia Rahma - Fire Engineer Ignis Fire & Risk
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