As one of the countries located in the Ring of Fire, Indonesia faces high risks of earthquakes. Certain areas are more prone to these risks compared to others, and the earthquake risk levels have been categorized and mapped by various institutions, including PT Maipark Reasuransi through the EQ Zone. However, are you aware that there is a risk of fire after an earthquake? This phenomenon is often referred to as Post-Earthquake Fire.
The tremor caused by an earthquake can exert significant force on surrounding objects, causing them to shift, fall, and become damaged. If there are substantial movements in objects that contain flammable materials (such as generators, wet-type transformers, vehicles and gasoline, fuel tanks, gas pipes, LPG cylinders, etc.), or in active electrical installations and devices (electrical wiring systems, electronic devices), or in equipment that utilizes fire and heat (stoves, welding tools), it can lead to damage that results in fires.
This is because all elements of the fire triangle are present: the availability of fuel (spilled fuel, leaking gas from damaged pipes), an ignition source (active electrical flow, sparks, hot surfaces from machinery, friction caused by object movement), and oxygen in the surrounding air. Considering Indonesia's high risk of earthquakes, it is important for us to pay attention to risk mitigation measures in order to prevent fires from occurring after an earthquake.
Post-Earthquake Fire Mitigation
Secure or relocate heavy equipment that contains flammable materials and electrical installations. This is especially crucial for building utility systems, such as generators, transformers, gas piping systems, LPG cylinders, electrical panels, and electrical installations.
Implement earthquake-proofing measures by installing hangers for suspended installations in buildings. This includes overhead cable trays and large-capacity lighting fixtures.
For buildings, consider implementing Earthquake Sensors that can automatically temporarily halt the flow of electricity when an earthquake is detected. This system is commonly used for elevator systems in buildings.
Provide containment structures for storing flammable materials. This is particularly important for gasoline tanks, diesel tanks, chemical storage tanks, and wet-type transformers.
Ensure the availability of fire extinguishers (APAR) to anticipate fires that may occur after an earthquake.
Aside from being aware of Post-Earthquake Fire, you should also understand the things you need to do to be prepared for earthquakes. You can learn more about this in an article made by Bapak2ID at the following link:
Stay safe guys!
Writter : Fahri Ali Imran
Editor : Gabriella Emristy
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