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Experience the future of Fire and Smoke detection with IgnisEye.
IgnisEye is a visual based Fire & Smoke Detection System which
seamlessly merges cutting-edge artificial intelligence, delivering
unparalleled fire detection accuracy and real-time alerts.
We Connect, We Detect, We Protect

Read and know more about Fire Safety!
Roles of Fire Dynamics Simulator in Fire Safety Engineering
In designing a building, fire safety is one of the most important aspects that should be carefully considered. With the advancement in technology, the development and application of fire dynamics simulator...
What is Post-Earthquake Fire?
As one of the countries located in the Ring of Fire, Indonesia faces high risks of earthquakes. Certain areas are more prone to these risks compared to others, and the earthquake risk levels have been...
Thermal Runaway 101
Lots of articles discuss the possibility and consequence of battery fire, but very few decide to talk about the most common characteristics precursing or following it: Thermal Runaway.The definition of a...
Small things with Big Risks : Dust Explosion
In addition to fires, buildings, especially industrial buildings, are also haunted by another risk, namely explosions. There are various types of explosions that can occur in a building, depending on what...
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